Michał Korchowiec
Michał Korchowiec (f. 1987) er myndlistarmaður, leikmyndahönnuður og leikstjóri. Hann hefur tekið þátt í fjölda sýninga í Póllandi og erlendis. Michal hefur unnið í samstarfi með ýmsa leikstjóra í Póllandi, Þýskalandi, Japan og á Íslandi. Honum hefur verið veitt sköpunarstyrk menntamálaráðuneytisins í Póllandi og námsstyrkinn „Young Poland“. Einnig hefur hann tekið þátt í vinnustofudvöl í Cafe Tissardmine – Art Residency (Marokkó), SÍM, og í Rügen hjá European Film Academy.
Michał Korchowiec (b. 1987) is a visual artist, theatre set designer, and documentary film director. He is the author and co-author of over a dozen Polish and foreign exhibitions featuring his paintings, video art, and installations. Since 2009 as a set and costume and light designer, he has been collaborating with various theatre directors in Poland, Iceland, Germany, and Japan.
He is a recipient of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage’s Creative Scholarship and the “Young Poland” scholarship, as well as a participant in the following art residency programs: Cafe Tissardmine – Art Residency (Morocco), Sim Art Residency Reykjavik or the “Sunday in the country” workshops in Rügen, European Film Academy.
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Michał Korchowiec
Michał Korchowiec (f. 1987) er myndlistarmaður, leikmyndahönnuður og leikstjóri. Hann hefur tekið þátt í fjölda sýninga í Póllandi og erlendis. Michal hefur unnið í samstarfi með ýmsa leikstjóra í Póllandi, Þýskalandi, Japan og á Íslandi. Honum hefur verið veitt sköpunarstyrk menntamálaráðuneytisins í Póllandi og námsstyrkinn „Young Poland“. Einnig hefur hann tekið þátt í vinnustofudvöl í Cafe Tissardmine – Art Residency (Marokkó), SÍM, og í Rügen hjá European Film Academy.
Michał Korchowiec (b. 1987) is a visual artist, theatre set designer, and documentary film director. He is the author and co-author of over a dozen Polish and foreign exhibitions featuring his paintings, video art, and installations. Since 2009 as a set and costume and light designer, he has been collaborating with various theatre directors in Poland, Iceland, Germany, and Japan.
He is a recipient of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage’s Creative Scholarship and the “Young Poland” scholarship, as well as a participant in the following art residency programs: Cafe Tissardmine – Art Residency (Morocco), Sim Art Residency Reykjavik or the “Sunday in the country” workshops in Rügen, European Film Academy.
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